HHHHHMMMM!!!!!!!!!! .......................................................................... And after that short reflection we begin!
So here we are, within the final 5 weeks of our Sophomore year, and its time to prep for reading Cather in the Rye!
.... wait why am I saying 'we?' THIS IS MY BLOG!!!
After being asked to respond to a prereading question, I have chosen number 8, as I'm guessing many people have, Is life a game? If so, what are the rules? What happens if one does not play by the rules?
Well, first off, I would agree with the statement that life is a game, but think that the use of the term 'game' gives off the impression that life is all fun and 'games,' which it most definately is NOT. But then again, the not so naive would also know that not all games are fun-- for instance Jumanji... was that board game fun? NO (not that I ever played it...I just loved the movie.. but was always scared of the drums as a little kid....hhhhmmm.....going back to Catcher in the Rye now!)
I claim that its a game because it, like many games, involves strategies. In the game of Murder, you don't just go blundering randomly around in the dark for a victim and then talk loudly so that everyone knows your the killer. In order to kill someone in Murder, you have to be stealthy!
Its the same with life: you have to be STEALTHY. For instance, you can't just go offend some one one day and then ask for a favor from them the next day-NO! Its all about who has the connections, and who is placed correctly on the board... because then you can ask for FAVORS. For instance, you don't want to be an enemy of the Godfather- you want to be his friend.
As for the second part of the question, what are the rules, I've partially explained the answer above. In my opinion, the rules are those society creates, and also the rules which are also known as social politics. This all has to do with connections and how YOUR EVERY MOVE WILL COME BACK TO BITE YOU IN THE FUTURE IF YOU DON'T PLAY YOUR PIECES CORRECTLY.
And lastly, What happens if one does not play by the rules. The answer is quite simple. YOU LOSE. (eventually) or, life simply becomes extremely difficult, and, consequently you get NOWHERE. So ends the reflection of a cynic.